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We use coooookies (mmm!) to help provide the best user experience. Learn More.
As of Monday, July 13th, as stated in the Order of Public Health Madison & Dane County, Order 8:
Every individual, age five (5) and older, in Dane County must wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth when:
Community safety is a shared responsibility. Wearing a mask is a way you can do your part.
Kids and Adult sizes available
Variety of styles, prints. All our reusable & washable
Paper Source
Kids and Adult sizes available
Variety of styles, prints. Reusable & washable
Pier South
Adult sizes available
Reusable & washable
Pasqual’s Cantina
Adult sizes available
Printed with the Pasqual’s logo
Variety of styles. Reusable & washable
The University Book Store
Kids and Adult sizes available
Variety of styles, prints. Reusable & washable
3-ply disposal masks also available
Right Size Alterations
Kids and Adult sizes available
Variety of styles, prints. Reusable & washable
Locally made, hand sewn in their Hilldale Shop
Morgan’s Shoes
Adult sizes available
Locally made, hand sewn.
Variety of styles, prints. Reusable & washable
3-ply disposal masks also available
Metcalfe’s Market
Adult sizes available
3-ply medical disposal masks
Adult size masks available
Reusable & washable
Ace Hardware
Adult sizes available
3-ply medical disposal masks
Please note: We are offering complimentary face masks to those who want one while visiting Hilldale – Call 608.209.1738 and our safety officers will bring one right to you.
Our protocols on property are continually updated to reflect the latest government information and regulations so that we can keep Hilldale safe and enjoyable for all guests.
When it comes to the safety of our community, we will always go above and beyond. We look forward to welcoming you back once you feel comfortable.
Please click the link below to learn more.
Stick around and see what else is in store. It’s all good.